Posts tagged ‘tea party’

August 15, 2012

Tea Party, NRA Throw 5 RINOS Out Of Tennessee Legislature

Tea Party SC Tea Party, NRA throw 5 RINOS out of Tennessee Legislature

On August 2nd, 5 GOP candidates seeking re-election to the Tennessee State legislature discovered just how dangerous it can be to disdain the wishes of those conservatives who helped put them in office.  More…

June 27, 2012

Tea Party favorite Bridenstine defeats incumbent Sullivan in Oklahoma primary

Jim-Bridenstine.jpgMost eyes in the political world were trained on whether 82-year-old Charlie Rangel, D-N.Y. would survive his primary Tuesday night.

The same was the case in Utah with Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah.

But Rep. John Sullivan, R-Okla., became the ninth Congressional incumbent to lose a primary Tuesday night.

Sullivan faced tea party favorite Jim Bridenstine in the congressional district that includes Tulsa.  Read more:

June 5, 2012

Bill Clinton Smears Tea Party

Provided by Western Journalism

The day after former President Bill Clinton was in Wisconsin smearing the Tea Party for the division and discord in American and Wisconsin politics, several self-identified Tea Partiers rebuffed him with the truth. This video shows what is wrong with America (liberal liars) verses what is so wonderful about America(nearly 4,000 people at a Teay Party Rally).

May 28, 2012

Lack of Qualifying Candidates for Tea Party Support

May 8, 2012

Tea Party sees gains in Senate

By Alexander Bolton – 05/08/12 05:25 AM ET

Conservative activists say a victory by Richard Mourdock in the Indiana Republican primary Tuesday would be a significant step toward a Tea Party takeover of the Senate GOP agenda. 

Mourdock’s anticipated win over Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) would be a huge boost to the Tea Party movement, which earlier this year was said to be losing steam and viability.

Mourdock is one of a half-dozen Tea Party-allied candidates in Republican primaries who could change the balance of power among Senate Republicans.  More…

March 9, 2012

Tea Party senators unveil five-year plan to balance the budget

By Alexander Bolton – 03/08/12 02:16 PM ET

 Members of the Senate Tea Party Caucus on Thursday announed a plan to balance the budget in five years, cutting spending by nearly $11 trillion compared to President Obama’s budget.

The plan, dubbed “A Platform to Revitalize America,” is a wish list of conservative policies, none of which have any chance of passing the Democratic-controlled Senate or being signed into law by a liberal Democratic president.  More…

March 2, 2012

Obama’s IRS targets Tea Party

Roger  Hedgecockby Roger Hedgecock 03/02/2012
In the 1970s, Richard Nixon had an enemies list.  Nixon asked the IRS to investigate tax returns of those on the list.  Liberals were outraged.  To be on Nixon’s list became a liberal badge of honor.

In the 1990’s Bill Clinton had an enemies list too.  The Clinton administration targeted for IRS audit the National Rifle Association, the Heritage Foundation, the National Review, the American Spectator, Citizens Against Government Waste, Citizens for Honest Government, Concerned Women for America and the San Diego Chapter of Christian Coalition.

Today, Obama has an enemies list.  The IRS is investigating conservative political groups including the Tea Party who oppose Obama’s agenda.  Read More…

March 2, 2012

IRS hassles conservative groups over tax exempt status

By Alan Fram March 2, 2012 6:50 am

WASHINGTON (AP) -The Internal Revenue Service is embroiled in battles with tea party and other conservative groups who claim the government is purposely frustrating their attempts to gain tax-exempt status.

The fight features instances in which the IRS has asked for voluminous details about the groups’ postings on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, information on donors and key members’ relatives, and copies of all literature they have distributed to their members, according to documents provided by some organizations.

While refusing to comment on specific cases, IRS officials said they are merely trying to gather enough information to decide whether groups qualify for the tax exemption. Most organizations are applying under section 501 (c) (4) of the federal tax code, which grants tax-exempt status to certain groups as long as they are not primarily involved in activity that could influence an election, a determination that is up to the IRS.  Read More…

March 1, 2012

In Memoriam: Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

by Larry Solov

With a terrible feeling of pain and loss we announce the passing of Andrew Breitbart.

Andrew passed away unexpectedly from natural causes shortly after midnight this morning in Los Angeles.

We have lost a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a dear friend, a patriot and a happy warrior.

Andrew lived boldly, so that we more timid souls would dare to live freely and fully, and fight for the fragile liberty he showed us how to love.

Andrew recently wrote a new conclusion to his book, Righteous Indignation:

I love my job. I love fighting for what I believe in. I love having fun while doing it. I love reporting stories that the Complex refuses to report. I love fighting back, I love finding allies, and—famously—I enjoy making enemies.

Three years ago, I was mostly a behind-the-scenes guy who linked to stuff on a very popular website. I always wondered what it would be like to enter the public realm to fight for what I believe in. I’ve lost friends, perhaps dozens. But I’ve gained hundreds, thousands—who knows?—of allies. At the end of the day, I can look at myself in the mirror, and I sleep very well at night.

Andrew is at rest, yet the happy warrior lives on, in each of us.  Read More…

February 28, 2012

And So it Begins: IRS Targets Tea Party Groups for “Special Attention”!

February 27, 2012 by mutnodjmet13

Thank you Legal Insurrection, and welcome to friends of Professor Jacobson!!!

Dear Readers: SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition President Dawn Wildman emailed today, hoping to spread the word about Tea Party response to a spate of letters to local organizations from the Internal Revenue Service. Big Government provides some background: IS THE IRS ATTEMPTING TO INTIMIDATE LOCAL TEA PARTIES?  More…

February 28, 2012

Reid: Republicans Pandering to Tea Party on Immigration

Feb 282012

Reid: Republicans pandering to Tea Party on immigration
By Anjeanette Damon

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., accused Republicans of “harshness, bitterness, meanness” and of “catering to the Tea Party” in their approach to immigration policy during a conference call Monday.

As if that weren’t enough, he took it one step further, implying Republicans are allowing prejudice against Hispanics to govern their policy-making.

February 28, 2012



IRS intimidating tea parties?

Sends letters described as ‘Orwellian in nature’

(BIG GOVERNMENT) — In January and February of this year, the Internal Revenue Service began sending out letters to various local Tea Parties across the country. Mailed from the same Cincinnati, Ohio IRS office, these letters have reached Tea Parties in Virginia, Hawaii, Ohio, and Texas (we are hearing of more daily).

There are several common threads to these letters: all are requesting more information from these independent Tea Parties in regard to their nonprofit 501(c)(4) applications (for this type of nonprofit, donations are not deductible). While some of the requests are reasonable, much of them are strikingly onerous and, dare I say, Orwellian in nature.

What are local Tea Partiers to think with requests like “Please identify your volunteers” or “are there board members or officers who have run or will run for office (including relatives)”? What possible reason would the IRS have for Tea Parties to “name your donors” when said donations are non-deductible? These are just a few of the questions asked by the IRS in these letters, and one cannot help but suspect an intrinsic threat encompassing all these demands.  More…

February 28, 2012

IRS Coming Down on Tea Parties


February 27, 2012, 12:22 pm By


Logo, International Record Syndicate

Right Side News has reported on a disturbing request from the IRS that has been received by a number of tea party groups.

The IRS can doubtless defend it as I suspect they can and do ask such questions of any organization seeking or having 501c4 status. But they have requested an impossibly short turnaround time.

This action has doubtless been spurred by a letter sent to the IRS by a number of extreme leftist U.S. senators, although the letter is probably the pretext rather than the genesis of the action. In-other-words, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the administration has planned a large-scale assault on tea parties. If so they would ask for some kind of inquiry from the senators to wash their hands of it and make it appear legitimate.

Notice in the letter that the senators fail to identify any particular group. It would be telling to know if they have asked similar questions of an equal number of left-wing organizations and demanded similar turnaround. Of course leftwing C4 groups like CASA de Maryland’s CASA in Action would probably have gotten a long-lead heads-up from their allies in Congress and given their resources and familiarity with the non-profit world would have been able to prepare their responses well in advance.

Remember this is one large, organic, mass movement. While they appear independent, they all speak with the same voice. And it is a uniformly anti-American voice.  More…

February 28, 2012

Is the IRS Attempting to Intimidate Local Tea Parties?

Colleen Owens
by Colleen Owens

In January and February of this year, the Internal Revenue Service began sending out letters to various local Tea Parties across the country. Mailed from the same Cincinnati, Ohio IRS office, these letters have reached Tea Parties in Virginia, Hawaii, Ohio, and Texas (we are hearing of more daily). There are several common threads to these letters: all are requesting more information from these independent Tea Parties in regard to their nonprofit 501(c)(4) applications (for this type of nonprofit, donations are not deductible). While some of the requests are reasonable, much of them are strikingly onerous and, dare I say, Orwellian in nature.

What are local Tea Partiers to think with requests like “Please identify your volunteers” or “are there board members or officers who have run or will run for office (including relatives)”? What possible reason would the IRS have for Tea Parties to “name your donors” when said donations are non-deductible? These are just a few of the questions asked by the IRS in these letters, and one cannot help but suspect an intrinsic threat encompassing all these demands.  More…

February 12, 2012

Sarah Palin at CPAC 2012

February 8, 2012

Operation Counterweight and Operation Counteract: Two solid options for Tea Party Peeps!

February 4, 2012 by mutnodjmet13

WELCOME Instapundit readers (via Mark Meckler) and Legal Insurrection fans (thanks, Professor, for “Post of the Day” honors!).

Dear Readers: Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has been leading the charge for Operation Counterweight (ensuring Tea Party winners in House and Senate races this November). Today, I wanted to feature a few candidates who seem to be focused on serving citizens instead of the elite power structure.

You will now find a special section on my blogroll: AN OPERATION COUNTERWEIGHT LIST. As I uncover these citizen candidates, I will update this list to the websites for your donation and support convenience. I am starting my list with my latest “girl crush“: Anna Marie Buerkle. The reason for my enthusiastic support can be seen in this video:

The video is a must-watch, for the sheer joy of seeing Buerkle smack down the odious, arrogant, condescending, racist, incompetent boob that is Eric Holder. The media is attempting to distract us with false employment numbers (talk about Journalistic Sun Stroke) and the ginned-up Komen crisis. Most citizen activists are very much following the aftermath o Fast and Furious.  More…

February 1, 2012

Liberal Super PAC attempts to “Take Down the Tea Party 10″

A liberal super PAC is set Monday to launch what it is billing as a multimillion dollar campaign to “Take Down the Tea Party Ten.”

The effort by the progressive outfit CREDO aims to use the new big-spending super PAC model, which can accept unlimited donations, to back extensive local organizing and “education” aimed at defeating 10 members of Congress seen by the left as the worst of the worst.

“We’re talking about some of the most odious members of Congress. Even for Republicans these guys are low,” said Campaign Manager Matthew “Mudcat” Arnold in a statement.

“We’re going to empower local activists to organize their friends and neighbors to lay out the truth about their representatives in the most basic terms,” Arnold added. “They are anti-woman. They are anti-science. They are hypocritical, bigoted, and have said and done things that are downright crazy. They’ve done more to embarrass their constituents than they have to govern or work toward solutions. They are unfit for Congress, and we’re going to help their constituents hold them accountable.”  Post Continues on

January 31, 2012

AutoBamaCare – Teachable Moments – FUNNY!

January 30, 2012

Is the Tea Party Losing Its Grip on the GOP?

By Erin McPike – January 30, 2012

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Newt Gingrich’s fast Florida fade is the latest indication that the Tea Party is losing its grip on the GOP, with the establishment poised to triumph once again.

An official endorsement Saturday night from last year’s Tea Party standout, Herman Cain; an all-but-official backing from longtime Tea Party darling Sarah Palin; and the support of an increasing number of Tea Party officials around the country have not lifted Gingrich back over Mitt Romney in the Florida polls. That weakened clout has been accompanied by the Republican establishment’s full-throttle charge at Gingrich’s past — to great effect with the primary here just one day away.

It’s a stunning twist of fate for the GOP, which just 18 months ago was mired in intraparty battles that gave rise to the grass-roots movement, and which had been desperately seeking anyone but Mitt Romney in the presidential race to satisfy its hard-right turn. Still, if Romney wins here on Tuesday and goes on to clinch the nomination in the coming weeks or months, it may not settle the question of whether he has quieted the Tea Party faithful heading toward the general election.  More…
January 30, 2012

Race card

Melissa Kite/28January2012/

Meet Kevin Jackson, the black Tea Party activist disgusted at the prejudices of Obama’s supporters

Kevin Jackson talks a lot of sense. He also says things that make you wonder if your ears are playing up. As the newest star of the Tea Party circuit gives you his views on Obama, Palin and David Cameron, you repeatedly ask yourself, ‘Did he just say what I think he said?’

I am interviewing Jackson, a Republican blogger and author of The Big Black Lie, a critique of liberal America, because I heard him on US television saying that voting for Obama was racist. ‘They wanted the black president,’ he told Fox News. ‘Racists that they are, they voted for the man because he’s black, not because he’s qualified.’  More…

January 30, 2012

Discussion of Gingrich and Romney

Kevin Jackson of The Black Sphere appears on BBC World to speak about American politics on behalf of

January 28, 2012

Palin: These cannibals in the GOP establishment are employing leftist tactics

posted at 8:25 pm on January 27, 2012 by Allahpundit

This should have been Gingrich’s message at the debate last night. Like I said in the preview thread, I thought it would be. He got a second look in South Carolina by venting resentment at Elites on the left (in the persons of Juan Williams and John King), so why not try for a third look in Florida by venting at Elites on the right in the persons of Ann Coulter and Matt Drudge, etc? Newt’s not an appealing enough candidate in his own right to overcome all of Romney’s money, organization, and Beltway support. I think he thinks he is — this is why he lets it all hang out on lunar bases, for example — but on the merits he’s probably a 25 percent candidate. The obvious way to build on that is to reframe the campaign as a grand expression of populist grievance against a diabolical machine. He made that point well enough yesterday while out on the stump, but when it came time for the big debate, … nothing. Probably too late now, but Palin’s going to do her best to drag him across the finish lineRead More . . .
January 28, 2012

The GOP Takes a Wild Ride

By Peggy Noonan · Saturday, January 28, 2012

This is the most volatile and tumultuous presidential primary race of our lifetimes. … What it appears we are seeing is a new iteration of the age-old split between the grassroots and a perceived GOP establishment. It is like the split between the Goldwater forces and the Rockefeller wing of the party in the 1960s. It is an update of the split between the Buchanan brigades and the establishment in 1992. It is the old True Conservative versus Ambivalent Accomodationist split.  Read More

January 24, 2012

Tea party: ‘Permanent force in America’?

Exclusive: Jim Fletcher reviews Dick Armey’s ‘Give Us Liberty’

author-image by Jim FletcherEmail | Archive

Jim Fletcher has worked in the book publishing industry for 15 years, and is now director of the apologetics group Prophecy Matters. His new book, “It’s the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)” has just been released by Strang’s Christian Life imprint.


There was a time that we had at least the appearance of leadership in Congress. Today’s candidates for office, and the congressional field itself, leaves a bit to be desired, as America’s first foreign president rides roughshod over our liberties.

From time to time, I lament this or that politician leaving office, because they seem, well, decent. We could use more decency in Washington.

So it was that I slightly wondered why Dick Armey, R-Texas, retired in 2003, having served as House majority leader. I liked a lot of his positions, and he never seemed hesitant to stand up for what he believed.

After reading “Give Us Liberty: A Tea Party Manifesto,” I think I know why Armey is no longer in Congress: He can do more good out of it.  More…

January 23, 2012

Are you kidding me? (video)

January 23, 2012

The Best President Money Can Buy

January 23, 2012 by  

The Best President Money Can Buy

If Americans continue to “settle” for the most electable candidate, they will have to continue settling for having a bankster’s hand in their pockets.

As the American housing bubble collapse and financial meltdown accelerated in the fall of 2008, the political ruling class and their bankster masters put together a plan to save themselves from the crisis they created. They decided to scare everyone silly by claiming the banksters were too important to “fail,” and to loot the middle class to refill their coffers.  More…

January 22, 2012

Young woman told it’s ‘entirely your decision’

This is a series of very short, thought-provoking videos.

Adult community leans on Britney to choose this

author-image by Red Elephants Café

Red Elephants Café is a cutting-edge online video series, set in small-town America, whose plot line revolves around stopping America’s destruction by out-of-control government and a godless culture. The series is produced by Craig Myers, president of Concerned Oregonians.  More…
January 22, 2012

The tea party is alive and well

author-image by Henry Lamb

Exclusive: Henry Lamb sees freedom movement able to turn America around this year

Democrats rarely miss an opportunity to denounce the tea party and are quick to announce that the tea party is over. Still in shock about the effectiveness of the tea party in its effort to take control of the House of Representatives from Nancy Pelosi, Democrats are trying to convince themselves that the 2010 mid-term election was a fluke. They just can’t believe that the tea party could do it again in 2012.

Where is the tea party? It is not “occupying” public parks and leaving mountains of trash that must be cleaned up at public expense. The tea party is not “occupying” California ports, disrupting the flow of commerce by forcing working people to lose days of work. The tea party is not shutting down restaurants and blocking streets to congregate in tent-cities where drugs, sex and filth identify the “occupiers.” The tea party is going about its business, organizing and learning to be even more effective in achieving its goals.  More…
January 20, 2012

Propelled by Tea Party, Gingrich Takes Lead in South Carolina

The latest Rasmussen poll from South Carolina shows a 16-point swing between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich over the span of two days.  In Rasmussen’s polling taken on Monday, before the most recent GOP presidential debate, Romney led Gingrich by 14 percentage points — 35 to 21 percent.  Rasmussen’s latest polling, taken yesterday, shows Gingrich leading Romney by 2 percentage points — 33 to 31 percent.

Read more…

January 17, 2012

Rep. Todd Platts denies trying to bully tea party, says group called him ‘a useful idiot’

Published: Sunday, September 25, 2011, 7:36 AM
 U.S. Rep. Todd Platts, R-York, expected a typical constituent meeting when he dropped in on this month’s York 912 Patriots gathering.
plattsbest.jpgView full sizeThe Patriot-News, fileU.S. Rep. Todd Platts, R-York, Pa.

But by the end of the meeting, Platts says he was branded a communist, a “useful idiot,” and saw “Replace Platts 2012” bumper stickers being distributed.
And when he tried to warn group leaders that they might not be adhering to federal election laws, Platts said he was accused of trying to intimidate the tea party-affiliated group with sanctions from the Federal Elections Commission.
The public dig at Platts by some of York’s most conservative voters is further evidence of a small but vocal element that are deeply dissatisfied with him.  More…

January 17, 2012

New online drama champions tea-party issues

WND Exclusive

WND to feature weekly video episodes of ‘Red Elephants Cafe`’

Published: 11/14/2011 at 9:16 PM


The rapid worldwide growth of made-for-Internet video dramas – short, vivid episodes, each just a few minutes long, gradually unfolding a compelling story – seems to have something for everybody, from science fiction to comedy, from love stories to murder mysteries.

But how about this? A cutting-edge series, set in small-town America, where the plotline revolves around stopping this nation’s destruction by out-of-control government and a godless culture.

Starting today, WND is featuring a new online dramatic series that does precisely that, called “Red Elephants Café.”  More…

January 15, 2012

Will the Tea Party Swing the South Carolina Vote?

1:08 PM, Jan 13, 2012 • By JEFFREY H. ANDERSON
Rasmussen polling shows Mitt Romney leading in South Carolina, while Newt Gingrich is in second place and closing. It’s also interesting, however, to note the Republican candidates’ respective levels of support among Tea Party and non-Tea Party voters in what will be the first Republican-leaning state to host a 2012 GOP primary.  More… 
January 13, 2012

Mark Meckler, Co-Founder, Tea Party Patriots

Provided by:  Trevor Loudon’s New Zeal

January 13, 2012

Tea Party Watches Senate Races

As Romney rises, Tea Party sees Senate as “bulwark”

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney walks across the tarmac to his campaign plane in Bedford, Massachusetts January 11, 2012 for a flight to South Carolina after winning the New Hampshire primary.  REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney walks across the tarmac to his campaign plane in Bedford, Massachusetts January 11, 2012 for a flight to South Carolina after winning the New Hampshire primary.

Credit: Reuters/Brian Snyder/By Nick Carey/CHICAGO | Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:04pm EST

CHICAGO (Reuters) – As Mitt Romney inches toward the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, many conservative activists are increasingly focused on a different political prize for 2012: the Senate.  More…

January 13, 2012

No Jail Time for Mark Meckler

NYC Gun Charges Dropped. Now I Can Speak Out.

On December 15, 2011 at approximately 5:15 a.m., I was at LaGuardia International airport preparing to check in for a flight out of the city.  During a routine check-in, I requested a firearms declaration form from the ticket agent.  It was my intent to declare and check my unloaded firearm.  More…

January 12, 2012

Why Government Can’t Save Us

January 12, 2012 by  

Former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, Tea Party favorite and bestselling author Wayne Allyn Root says government can’t save us.

Root explains the crisis and chaos in the U.S. economy today and proves why government not only cannot come to our rescue, but it is at the root (excuse the pun) of the crisis and chaos!

January 8, 2012

McManus: Is the tea party over?

Not exactly. The tea party has changed the political landscape in ways that are likely to last for a while. But its least favorite candidate, Mitt Romney, just came up big in Iowa.

By Doyle McManus/January 5, 2012

 A year ago, the tea party movement looked like an irresistible wave sweeping through the Republican Party. Anyone who hoped to win this year’s GOP presidential nomination, it seemed, would need to embrace tea party activists’ stringent demands for smaller government, lower taxes and deep cuts in spending.  More…
January 7, 2012

How the people Are Taking over Politics!

Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT!

September 7, 2011

Psst: The Tea Party Is Mainstream Despite Everything You Hear

Democrat politicians paint the Tea Party as an extreme fringe of American politics. Vice President Joe Biden famously described Tea Party Republicans as “terrorists.” According to Democrat Sen. Jay Rockefeller, the Tea Party are “extremists” who have “hijacked” the Republican Party.  Other Democrats are less restrained, telling us: The Tea Party is like the Nazis or KKK, is a serious threat to our national security, and Tea Party members should “go straight to hell.”  Some even whisper the Tea Party “wants to lynch blacks.”  Read On . . .

September 7, 2011

The Tea-Party Lynching Libel

September 6, 2011 12:00 A.M.

What if the Congressional Black Caucus were accused of wanting Jews gassed?

Imagine a Jewish member of Congress accusing the members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) of wanting to see Jews gassed.

How would every decent American — Right and Left — describe such a statement? Loathsome? Morally reprehensible? An obvious lie?

All three descriptions would be entirely accurate.

Next question:

How much media exposure would that libel be given?  Read On
